Limits Set keeps a track and displays the limits specified by the broker to individual users. The broker sets the limits for all the users and securities on daily and settlement basis for the NSE-BSE equities and derivatives, and NCDEX segments
Click Trading à Limits Set. The Limits Set page is displayed with following details:
NSE Equity |
NSE Derivatives |
BSE Equity |
BSE Derivatives |
MCX Futures |
NCDEX Futures |
NSEL Equities |
MCXSX Futures |
Instrument Type |
Periodicity |
Deposit |
Gross Exposure |
Net Purchase |
Net Sale Exposure |
Net Position |
Turnover |
Margin |
Mark to Market |
Net Quantity |
Single Transaction Quantity |
Single Transaction Value |
Click Refresh, to view most recent updated details.
Limits Set details can be printed by clicking Print
symbol ().
Limits Set details can be viewed in an Excel sheet by
clicking the Excel sheet symbol ().