Change Password
User Id:
New Password:
Confirm Password:
Application Mode:
Use Proxy
Proxy IP/Port:
Proxy UserId:
Proxy Password:
Leave Proxy IP and Proxy Pwd blank for auto detection
Use virtual keyboard for Password only
Please enter User Id
Please enter Password
Please enter New Password
Please enter Confirm Password
User Id contains invalid characters
Password does not match policy.Please check password policy
New Password does not match policy.Please check password policy
Confirm Password does not match policy.Please check password policy
New Password cannot be same as old password
Enter Confirm password same as New Password
Please enter a valid IP address
Please enter a valid Port
Untitled Document
Password Policy
Changing of password is mandatory while logging in for the first time.
User Account will be disabled on entering wrong password for three consecutive attempts
Password should be alphanumeric.
Changed password should not be same as the last used password.
User ID and password should not be same.
Password should be of minimum six characters and maximum twelve characters.
Use of virtual keyboard for entering the passwords is recommended.
Guidelines for Password protection:
Don’t reveal password over the phone/email to anyone.
Don’t use common acronyms as part of the password.
Don’t use common words or reverse spelling of words in part of your password.
Don’t use parts of numbers easily remembered such as phone numbers etc.
Report any suspicion of your password being broken to us.
Never write down the passwords.
Never reveal your passwords to anyone.
Don’t use names of people or places as part of your password.
Characteristics of Strong Passwords
Contain both upper case and lower case characters (e.g. a-z , A-Z).
Have digits and punctuation characters as well as letters.
Are not based on personal information like names of family members etc.
Please enter latest 2FA Password.
Click Here
to enter two consecutive pins for synchronization.
Password Policy